2019 May 11th Midday - Frank A.
Yours truly was unable to attend this meeting,
So the following words were submitted by Bohdan, and the pics from Alan and Didi.
Thanks guys, much appreciated.
The meeting this month was at Frank and Joe’s house.
After navigating a maze of streets we finally arrived at our destination.
As I walked down the steep steps I remembered to take the left fork which takes you onto the verandah at the back of the house.
The last time Frank held a meeting I took the right fork and ended up following the steps down to the bottom of the garden.
Everyone was busy in conversation on the verandah as our regular Chef Peter was busy at the BBQ cooking up beef rissoles and Sausages.
Frank was stoking up the stereo while his wife Joe was setting up the table with cakes and salads.
Didi went around and took plenty of photos before lunch to avoid sticky fingers ending up all over the eye phone.
Frank put on some music I hadn't heard before. It sounded like heavy metal with the singer growling in German !
So I went over to ask who it was and was greeted by Joe's sister Cait.
The band we heard was Cait's favourite called Rammstein.
Apparently she is a big fan and has seen this band at many different venues around Europe.
Before lunch Frank told us about all the new additions in amps and dacs etc. etc.
After a lunch of burgers, salads, cakes and some wine it was time to get to work..
So with a glass in hand I began.
Everyone by now had finished lunch and was settling down to some heavy listening and deep conversation.
I asked David A. did he miss being club secretary ?
NO ! he said loudly and emphatically and then he proceeded to quote John Cage.
" I have nothing to say and I am saying it ! "
Alan who has moved to the North Coast was there with brother Dennis.
Alan said he was joining a local bowls club.
Isn't that for old people only ?
Alan said he will be trying to get the bowlers to do some acoustic treatment at their club so that we could hold a meeting there one day.
Dennis said this will mean more trips to Bunnings so that he can whip up some more power cords to install at the
Bowls Club ! What a great idea, some very inventive thinking. Well done boys !
Everyone had a great time and so another day drew to a close.
Please check out all the photos to get a better perspective of todays meeting and the scenic setting.
Well this concludes our day and many thanks to our hosts and all those who contributed to todays event.
Cheers everyone,
Equipment list;
Surrender N100H – server
Darkside of the moon USB cord
Upyours Audio Regen powered by a Keces Power Supply
MicIntosh D1100 Digital Pre-amp
Darkside Balanced Interconnect (Pre to Amp)
MacIntosh MC302 Power Amp
Spectre – MH-770 Speaker Cables
Martin Logan's Prodigy Speakers
Jas Audio Power Cords
Quadraspire Tracks
Vicious Room treatments
Various Nordost Power Treatments:
QRT QX4 Power pulveriser
QRT Qbase Power Distributor
QRT QCore earth wind and fire unit
Couple of QV2 and QK2 devices