QAC Club Rules.
The Queensland Audio Club (QAC) is a social club comprised of members from all walks of life who share a passion for audio.
QAC members wish to share their knowledge, showcase their own systems and engage in social activity with like-minded people.
QAC recognises that everyone is different in both tastes and interests so it doesn't matter if you enjoy classical, pop or heavy metal.
It doesn't matter if you like to purchase high end gear or enjoy building your gear yourself.
We are one big Audiophile family.
Membership fees are $30 for 12 months and are due in June of each year.
This goes towards food at the GTG’s and website hosting and maintenance.
(website hosting, domain registration, and software licensing).
If membership dues are not paid by August (2 month post due) then correspondence will cease.
COVID 2021.
Due to the issues associated with the Covid virus, we now require hosts and attendees to be vaccinated against Covid.
We do not take this step lightly but as we have a variety of members that are elderly or Immuno compromised.
We feel this is a step we can take to help protect everyone as well as those we hold near and dear.
We also follow any and all health department directives to the letter.
If we are restricted in gathering numbers due to space constraints, or must wear masks, Then this is not negotiable.
Meetings are held monthly by our gracious hosts and are for financial Club members, and their guests.
Different types of meetings include:
Social Meetings – Held monthly Get-Togethers (GTG’s) & Small Get-Togethers (SGTG’s).
Focused Listening Events– Held on request of host.
Commercial Showcase – Held on request of host.
Social meetings (Get-Togethers aka -GTG).
These are held monthly (3rd Saturday usually but ultimately up to the host) by our gracious hosts, and are for financial Club members, and their guests.
This sometimes will include lunch supplied by the host but reimbursed by the club.
Attendees are encouraged to bring a plate.
This is a social gathering with no set play schedule.
It is not acceptable for those who are in the professional audio industry to push their wares at these meetings.
Small Get-Togethers (SGTG).
These are held where the host wants to restrict the number of guests.
May be used when a host has a smaller residence and/or listening room etc.
Focused Listening Events (FLE).
Ideal for people with smaller residences or new to the club.
Set number of attendees and scheduled play list.
Commercial Showcase.
Held by people who are in the professional audio industry to showcase their specific gear.
Social Meetings.
At some meetings QAC will provide a lunch or BBQ (up to the host).
This is usually provided by the host, but paid for by the QAC treasury.
Receipts need to be provided to a committee member for reimbursement.
For non-lunch meetings, the host usually provides snacks/drinks at their own cost.
At all meetings the usual club courtesies of BYO soft drinks, wine, nibbles are also welcome.
Hosting a Focused Listening Event.
It is the responsibility of the host to provide all snacks.
Commercial Showcase.
Food/Drinks and other hosting expenses are at the cost of the manufacturer, Retailer, Host and not QAC.
The club provides an avenue for members to sell their personal used equipment.​
Advertised via an email sent out by the club Secretary.
Advertised on our Facebook group page.
(This is a closed group for QAC financial members only that have been approved by the Secretary or Webmaster.)
These avenues are not to be abused by businesses who attempt to use the club as an advertising media.
QAC is a Social Cub Only.
Common courtesy and etiquette applies.
If you do not like a system, music, décor, that’s O.K.
Everyone has different tastes, but be polite to the host and other member’s attending in respect to your dislike/s.
Be respectful of the hosts, members, their premises and property.
If any member has an issue with another member regarding these rules – an email needs to be sent to the committee members outlining the issue.
Committee members will then investigate the situation and act accordingly.
Member’s details are held in the strictest confidence and are only accessible by the club committee members.
We encourage you to attend our Annual General Meeting where you can put forward suggestions to members that only financial club members can vote on.
(AGM now to be held in July each year to enable members time to renew their annual membership due)