2025 - January - Clint S.
Happy new blah blah blah, Is the year over yet :)​
I put aside all I have to do and actually attended Clints GTG - Shock horror I know right.
This was a medium size gathering with a set limit that filled out super quick.
The weather was acceptable considering the few mega hot days of high 30's we've had lately.
People were obviously happy to sit and listen or chat in the air con indoors,
but were equally happy when the Subway lunch was dished up.
Yum, Subway, gobble gobble :)
We also welcomed a few new members, Hi Guys n Gals *waves*
We moved back inside and rotated around to sample what Mr and Mrs S get to live with.
And then there were the various cakes and deserts including scrummy home made things.
Many Thanks to Clint for hosting this months GTG.
Equipment List:
Pre-Amplifier: Modified Parasound P3 with Bursons Pro V7 dual classic class A op-amps
Power Amplifier: Audio Research Reference 110/150 (valve)
CD Transport: Shanling CD-T80 (valve)
DAC: Parasound Zdac
Turntable: Technics SL1200 GR
Phono Pre-amp: Pro-ject Audio Systems (valve)
Streamer: Auralic
Speakers: 'Oblivions' by Angel Acoustics (3-way 15" open baffles)
Interconnects: 'Transcendence' by Angel Acoustics (balanced XLRs)
Speaker Cable: Custom cable by Angel Acoustics​