2023 - November - Christian T.
Many thanks to Christian for hosting this months GTG.
I was busy with life so was unable to attend.
Reports are about 10 people went along and had a good time.
They spent the day chomping all sorts of goodies including a couple of pizza's and cheesecake :)
So without more idle chit chat........
Changes since the last QAC meeting:
Raspberry Pi hardware upgraded to Pi 4 8GB RAM which results in a much wider and more detailed soundstage.
Upsampling now all files on the fly to 24 bit on the Pi to meet the DAC highest sample rate which creates additional transparency.
Musical Fidelity M6si amplifier 2x220 watts in class AB 8 Ohm
My equipment
Music server Raspberry Pi 4 8GB RAM running MOODE Audio Linux in headless mode fed by an external USB HD with 1 Terrabyte capacity on the fast Linux native ext4 filesystem.
Asynchronous USB DAC HDA 1 Marantz
Thorens turntable TD 126 MK III with ELAC D796 dH
Musical Fidelity M6si amplifier 2x220 watts in class AB 8 Ohm
CD Player Marantz CD 17 as transport for the Marantz HDA 1 DAC via COAX
Loudspeaker SPHIS LBX 270-S with measured linear frequency response -
4dB/+2dB from 20Hz to 18kHz under living-room conditions, refurbished drivers/crossovers in 2016