2021 - April - David A.
Source: Roon Nucleus+ server (the only source, no disc player or streaming service).
Amplifier: Devialet Expert 140 Pro.
Speakers: Focal Sopra 2.
Cables: Shunyata power, Ethernet, and speaker cables, Shunyata cable risers.
Power Sources, Keces P8 linear power supply supplying the Roon Nucleus+ and Uptone Audio EtherREGEN Ethernet switch, PS Audio P12 Power Plant supplying the Keces and the Devialet.
Rack: Grand Prix Audio Monaco Modular for server and amp, Grand Prix Audio Monaco amp stand for the PS Audio P12.
Acoustic Treatments: REALTraps Mondo traps and Minitrap.
The club’s newest tool additions, Hagerman Audio Labs FryBaby 3 compact burn-in generator, FryCorder 2 power cord burn-in generator and XLR adapter for Frybaby3 will be there if a member wishes to loan them.
There is a $10 fee required.
This fee goes toward the upkeep of the club’s audio tools and future purchases of more audio tools.
Please note that you use this equipment at your own risk.
QAC will not accept any responsibility if for some unknown reason you let the smoke out!
I’d also like feedback from members as to whether there is any demand / need for QAC to purchase a valve tester at some time in the future.
I am aware that several members already have their own test units.
You can email me, telephone me (Andrew) or speak to me in person at David’s meeting.