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February 2020 - Terry & Gloria O.

This meeting was a small get together.


Due to yours truly trying to get other more pressing jobs done, I was unable to attend.

So today's words and pics have been kindly provided by our Benevolent Overlord,

The Grand Quacking Secretary, Andrew. 


A wide variety of music was played (loudly).

I drew the line at the Hugh Maskela "Stimela - coal train" song and headed for the kitchen!

The highlight of the day was the comparison of the previously reviewed at a private meeting,

locally made Heschl 350watt Integrated with a built in DAC (black)

and the new silver two-piece 300watt power amp and a stand-alone DAC Hegel amplifier.

The general consensus was that the newer silver model was ahead by a whisker.

Terry rang me after the meeting to say that it's sound improved greatly once the Curious USB cable was substituted by a home-made Hegel USB cable.

There was enough food to feed a tribe of starving Africans!

Wine, beer & mineral water was consumed (in that order).

The highlight of the repast was a home made apple cake (with fresh cream).

Of course there were cheesecakes. Two in fact - a blueberry & a strawberry one!

Our new member Rachael fitted in well at her first meeting.

Rachael was initially worried that she would be out of her depth.

She asked me to thank those who attended for making her feel welcome.

As Simon said to me at the meeting "She's one of us - a true audiophile".

Terry cleaned one of our members albums that had a loop on it on his home-made ultrasonic record cleaner with good results.

Speaking of vinyl, those round, black things, several were sold and/or swapped between members.

On behalf of those who attended, I'd like to thank Terry and his his wife Gloria for a very enjoyable afternoon.


System info:


Main System: Oracle Delphi Mk IV TT, SME V arm, Kiseki Blue Cart, Les Davis 33 1/3 platter mat, RCM Sensor Prelude phono stage, Consonance Droplet 5.0 CDP, PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium HP Integrated, KT150's, Jupiter Copper Foil Cap upgrade, Music Fidelity 550k Superchargers, Antipodes DS Mk2 Music Server, Mytek Brooklyn DAC, Cullen Interconnects, Aurealis AQG2 Speaker Cables, Vienna Acoustic Beethoven Concert Grand SE speakers, PS Audio Perfectwave P10 Power Plant, Les Davis 3D (2).


TV Room System::PrimaLuna Prologue Classic CDP NOS Tubes, Oppo UDP-205, Mystere CA21 Pre-amp, Icon MB90 Mk2 Mono Blocks KT150's, Sansui Alpha 907 Limited, Bluesound Node2, Atlas interconnects, Cullen speaker cables, Vienna Acoustic Beethoven Baby Grand SE speakers. Les Davis 3D (2).


Terry will also have on loan and will have plugged in the new locally made Heschl 350watt Integrated with a built in DAC. Terry states that this is a simply stunning amp to listen to.

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