2014 May - Peter W.
Equipment …
Sources Akai linear tracking turntable, AT P-mount cartridge
DIY modded Acrylic Transcriptor, SME 3009, Stanton 681 cartridge
Pre-Amps Meridian 101
Power-Amps Meridian 105 twin power supplyDIY 6c33c set monoblocks
Digital Maveric TubeMagic dacStello u3
Speakers Modded Quad ESL 57DIY Shiva subs
Additional equipment: Shed Home Theatre
As expected there were a few gasps of OMG – how big is that screen in the shed home theatre …
and the answer is 6” smaller than a professional cinema [which is where it came from].
Thanks to Peter, for another great GTG – another good turnout from members.
Peter provided a good talking point with the morphing of his Quad ELS 57’s to tall “vertical array panel’s”.
Stacking each model on top of the other to create a 2 meter-plus tall MTM array certainly changes the “known” characteristics of this very well know speaker.