July 2015 – Phil G. - QAC Christmas in July.
The essence of a good club is the members.
Once again QAC members turned up, helped out, got on with each other and had a good time.
The catalyst for this was Phil and his generous spirit and yet anther successful meeting at his place.
The pig-on-a spit roast was universally approved of and everyone had a good feed, some even went home with trays of meat for the following week.
Audio wise it was low key, this was primarily a social affair.
The Audio Flea Market, held in Phils shed was popular and there were quite a few going home with new [old] things in their boot.
That said, there were a few stalwarts who made good use of Phil’s excellent system.
This was Phil’s last hoorah as the ‘Big Cheese’ and mine as Webmaster.
Simon and Andrew will be taking over now.
I hope you liked what we did, thank-you for your support.
Lastly, a big thank-you to all those who contributed food and effort to make this a great day.
Especially with clearing and washing up !