2015 December - Graz k.
Graz manufactures Apogee Acoustics electrostatic speakers.
Apogee Acoustics is situated in a picturesque semi rural locale of Glenview, at the the Sunshine Coast.
There were 3 rooms on display featuring varied types of electrostatic speakers.
The main house featured hybrids with ribbon tweeter/midrange and conventional bass drivers.
In the “cubby house” were vintage Apogee Stages from 20 years ago.
Due to the fragile nature of the bass drivers, the volume level was restricted on these speakers.
Graz’s main system, displayed in the factory sound room was a newly assembled one, featuring aluminium all-new Apogee Acoustics Duetta Advance 7 speakers.
It was literally put together hours before the meet in a room still under final construction.
The bass driver still under development.
These speakers retail for $65K.
Graz’s guest was Tasmania based Anthony Holton, who displayed some of his amplifier modules as well as chatting to those curious about his DIY range as well as built kit.
Many thanks to Mrs. Graz for the hospitality extended to our club members.