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2015 August - Floyd W.


Floyd and his wife we’re very welcoming and we all got a chance to do some good listening in his well sounding room.

Floyd gave us a small presentation on his Dirac Live Room Correction.

Graz gave an explanation on the myriad of upgrades performed on the Apogee Duetta Signatures.

The vinyl aficionados were well catered to.

Highlights included a gorgeous track by Youn Sun Nah and the theme from Marlboro cigarettes (no political correctness here) / Magnificent Seven movie soundtrack like many have never heard before.

Pete Ashton supplied a CD featuring Japanese drum music (unfortunately I didn’t get the title) that caught my ear.

Members in the know, sneaked down to Floyd’s granny flat and had a good intimate listening session on his second system.

The Apogee Centaurs certainly filled the small listening room.

Speakers-Apogee Duetta Signatures (ribbons by Graz - Apogee Acoustics Australia)
Amplifier-McCormack DNA2 Deluxe
Pre amp-DAC Eximus dp1
Dirac Live Room Correction
Turntables-Oracle Delphi mk 1, SME III arm with Nagaoka mp50 mm and Synergistic Research PHT Blue Velvet
McCormack Micro Phono Drive
Project model 6 with Grado mono cartridge and Synergistic Research Purple Haze
Hewlett-Packard Pavilion 20 running JRiver 18 into Eximus dp1
Original A9II CD player into Eximus DAC
Cables-PJW Copperheads and DH Labs usb interconnect
Classicsonline HD-LL streaming service


In the granny flat:
Apogee Centaurs (26” ribbon hybrid, with 8” moving coil bass driver)
Redgum amp
Audio lab 8000 CD player
DH Labs speaker cable


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