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2014 September - Simon L.


Equipment …

Sources    Odroid mini-computer to stream from NAS to DAC. (like Phil’s Beaglebone) – controlled via Tablet
Dac    Audio GD NFB-28
Amp    Sony Ta-F700ES
Speakers    DIY 3 way 10” woof 5”mid 1”silk tweeter – Seas drivers
Speaker cable: DIY Canare  4s11 Bi-wire cable
Room treatment: Various bass traps


Thanks go to Simon and Kylin for hosting the September meet .

Once we’d move the BBQ out of the breeze to get lunch going, I managed to make a royal mess of Simons new shiny BBQ but didn’t manage to poison anyone [hope it cleaned up okay] 


Simon’s done a great job with his listening room/home theatre with wall treatments etc and a lot of listening was done by all.

I thought he was brave when he put a very heavy piece of pipe organ music on and turned  the volume up.

And, to my surprise his DIY speaker coped admirably well with such a demanding track.


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