2013 July - Kevin and Karen K.
Another successful meeting at Kevin & Karen’s lovely home.
Two very nice rooms and a beautiful sunny day for the walk between them.
As usual Karen put on a fine lunch.
The only thing stopping me having ‘thirds’ of the curry was the lack of more curry, who ate all that?
Kevin’s equipment is superb as was the sound.
None of us would turn down the chance of a media room like his.
A big thank-you to Kevin & Karen for hosting another fine day out for QAC.
My apologies for the poor picture quality….it’s a long story!
Source - Ayon CD5s, Alphason Sonata T/T, Mac Mini- Amara
Pre-Amp/Dac - Ayon pre-dac. Pioneer D23 Active crossover
Amplifiers - Benchmark monos, Sophia Electric Baby, Miniwatt N3
Speakers - Coral15L100, Altec 802 8g- 511B damped horn, Raven R1-horn loaded
Power Supplies - Jugson
Cables - Nordost Red Dawn ICs and SC, Vandenhull ICs and SC
Source - Accustic Arts Drive1 mk2
Pre-Amp/Dac - Audioresearch Reference dac/pre
Amplifiers - Audioresearch ref110
Speakers - Jbl 1400 Array
Power Supplies - Exactpower EPDS, Thorobread. Isotec syncro
Cables - Jorma Origo IC, Synergystic Research Tesla accellerator SC.