2013 August - Dave and Polly R.
Dave & Polly live 2½+ hours north of Brisbane so it was a keen but slightly smaller meet than usual for those who made the drive.
A bit of carpooling occurred so that saved on petrol and the environment J.
Dave and Polly have a lovely house in the countryside and they made us all very welcome and put on a glorious three course cooked lunch.
After which we refocused our attentions to Dave’s great system based around the Hawthorn speakers and had a detailed listening session based on vinyl, tape and CD sources.
With a smaller group than normal it was great to see every one really settle down and enjoy a system that obviously Dave and spent many hours lovingly tuning and tweaking to sound it’s best.
For the 3 other guys in my car we all agreed it was worth the 5 hour round trip drive.
Thanks’ again for the hospitality Dave and Polly.
Source - Meridian G98
Oracle Delphi Turntable – Sumiko arm & cartridge (Bluepoint Special with Garrett Bros. Retip)
Revox C270 Reel to Reel
Pre-Amp/Dac - Bel canto Pre 2P
Accustic Arts Tube Dac ll (SE version)
Amplifiers - Nu Force Ref 9 Special Edition x 2
Bel canto Evo 2 x 2
Speakers - Hawthorne Trios Sterling Silver Iris
Power Supplies - Dedicated circuits – hard wired to components
Cables - Luminous Silver Signature - Oyaide - Van den hul
Other Stuff
Marchand Electronics crossover x 2
Oppo BDP-95 Blue Ray Disc Player