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2014 June - David A.


David’s meets are always well attended, which was one of the reasons we combined it with the AGM.

His dedication in getting the most from a high quality CD, Amp and Stand-mounted Two-way Speaker is just stunning and personally I really admired this setup.

Also of mention are his room treatments which show how it should be done.

The background din proved that socially the afternoon also went well and everyone left with a smile on their face – thanks David.


Equipment …Sources    Arcam FMJ CD37  CD/SACD player
Amp    NAD M3 integrated
Speakers    Dynaudio Contour 1.3SE
Kimber Select interconnects and speaker cablesJAS power cordsGrand Prix Audio Monaco rack

Acoustic treatment: RealTRAP Mondo corner units, Mondo HF panels and a MiniTrap.

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